Blog Archive

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Diagnostic Test - Mechanics

Diagnostic Test FPB - Mechanics

Name:                                Group:

1- Listening Activity

Watch the video and tick the words you hear.
big – cylinder – yellow – fast – engine – car -
compression – piston

2 - Reading activity
Hello, my name is Michael Schumacher, I am 48 years old and I am a retired racing driver. I love car racing and I love speed. I have won Formula One seven times and I am considered one of the greatest Formula one drivers of all time. Now I am retired and I have a beautiful red Ferrari, my wife drives a blue one. Although now I do not race anymore and I try to spend more time with my family and friends. My family and I also like to collect posters, Mary has got four posters, Martin five, Joseph twenty, Robert ten and I have got fourteen.
2a- Read the text and find out:
2b- Read the text and match the amount of posters with the correct owner
Martin 14 posters
Mary 20 posters
Robert 5 posters
Joseph 14 posters
Michael 4 posters
3 Vocabulary
Look at the image and write the different parts of the car:
handle – roof – window – door – windshield

4 Writing
4a - Write about your favourite vehicle

4b - Write about yourself

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