Blog Archive

Monday 29 October 2018



Activity 1 - Read the following definitions and match them with the correct place in town.

cinema - gallery - prison - hairdresser's - hospital - fire station - gym - hotel - petrol station

1 - __________________ : you can see the latest movies here. Many people eat popcorn while they're here.
2 - __________________ :the building where firemen keep their equipment including the fire-engine
3 - __________________ :  the place you go to put petrol in your car.
4 - __________________ : you can do exercises, weight training and keep fit here.
5 - __________________ : you go here when you want to cut your hair.
6 - __________________ : you go here when you need an operation or someone is going to have a baby.
7- ___________________ : where you sleep when you visit another city.
8 - __________________ : you can see paintings and other works of art.
9 - __________________ : criminals are sent here by a judge for a number of days or years.

Activity 2 - Copy and paste an image for each of the different places.

Activity 3 - Recognise 4 places in the following map.

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